Universal Theory of Existence


Historical aspects

Every philosopher has a dream to discover a single unitary logic which can fully explain the links between all the physical aspects of this universe. Generally, we call it final theory, ultimate theory, singular theory, unitary code, theory of everything (ToE), or the master theory. Different philosophers proclaimed different theories. Some of them are: general relativity (GR), quantum field theory (QFT), string theory, loop quantum theory,and causal fermion systems.. Apart from these modern theories we have ‘metaphysical aspect’. Plato and Aristotle could be said to have created early examples of comprehensive systems.

The oldest version of the unified theory is available in the form of ‘advaita’ promoted by Indian philosophers in 500 BC, which is available in the Vedas and Upanishads. As regards the Indian philosophies, we all have the literature in a symbolic format. Therefore, no one can draw direct inferences from them. The positivity with the Indian philosophies is that these theories are based not only on the physical (material) world, but their symbols can also represent the other levels of worlds known as cosmologically alive (energy wave) world, biologically alive (vegetation) world, psychologically alive (animal) world and intellectually alive (human) world. In spite of a long history, no theory could able to explain a unitary logic, which can explain all the mysteries of this universe. Albert Einstein spent a major part of his life to find a unified relationship between electromagnetic waves and gravitational field

Short summary of the universal theory of existence

The universal theory of existence suggests that all entities in the universe are evolved and governed by the same unified logic. Here the word ‘entity’ includes the entities of all levels. The universal theory suggests that each entity is made of two parts: the existence, and the body. Each existence, which is called the nucleus of the entity, is made of a large number of genetic codes. The aliveness within the codes is called existence. The codes can be different by their characteristics, but the same by their structure. These structures represent the unitary law of this universe.

Evolution of the Universal

The universal theory propounded here insists that; (1) there must be a common process for the evolution of each world; (2) there should not be any coincidence; (3) there must be a unitary reason. The ‘universal theory of existence’ incorporates all these factors. While discussing the evolution of the universe, we encounter a word ‘soul’ in it. Please do not confuse it with the spiritual ‘soul’. It has some logical meaning explained in the article, and used accordingly.

The universal theory suggests that before the evolution of the physical world, there were only cosmological substances filled [no mechanical meaning] in the cosmological space. Due to the increasing tendency of entropy, the physical bodies started to evolve, using a cosmological substance as raw material. After the development of the physical world, we got biological, psychological and intellectual worlds too. At each stage, the reference world gets the substance of the lower world as raw material. The same law is applicable to all stages. The process of evolution is explained in the theory. To understand the creation of this universe, it is better to understand the evolution of the biological world, where lots of things are known to us. After that we can replace the words, and find the evolution of other worlds.

Introduction of multiple levels of universe

The theory suggests that the word ‘body’ cannot be limited to the biological world only. Our intellectual body (humans) is made of psychological substance; psychological body (animals) is made of biological substance; biological body (vegetation) is made of physical substance; physical body (matter) is made of cosmological substance; and cosmological body (energy wave, photons) is made of an unknown substance. We have different sciences for all different levels. The theory suggests that a universal law governs all these sciences with parallel representation. For example, the intellectual fire (curiosity) accelerates intellectual reactions (analysis); the psychological fire (impulsiveness) accelerates psychological reactions (sentiment, anger); the biological fire (hunger) accelerates biological reactions (digesting); and the physical fire (fire) accelerates physical reactions (chemical reaction, burning).

Creation of a body

The theory suggests that each body particle is evolved in four stages: (1) genetic codes (characteristics of the primary particle), (2) existence (nucleus of the primary particle), (3) entity (creation of primary particle). (4) structure of body.

Structure of genetic codes

It is explained that each existence is made of a large number of genetic codes. All the codes are different as regards the properties, but all the same as regards the structure is concerned. Each genetic code is structured with five folders: diversity, vibrations, vision, support, and synchronizer. Each folder is made of five elements: space, matter, acceptability, flow and stimulation. These 25 factors are arranged in a manner so that they create an automatic continuous system to evolve the life in it. This arrangement is common in all entities and hence they follow the same unitary law in the universe.

Life in Entity

The arrangement of these factors is made in such a way so that each entity can observe, emit, and store the existent, in a unified way. The theory explains the interaction between two bodies, interaction between different worlds within the same body.

The arrangement automatically defines the gravitation, magnetism, and light wave. It also argues the presence of repulsion push. Once we understood the arrangement, we can understand all the sciences, not only of physics, but also psychology, biology and cosmology too. The author has successfully presented the meaningfulness of different phonemes, to which we call phonosemantics, on the basis of the same theory.